Massively speed up your downloads
with a a browser extension and a few clicks.

When you download media from, the request currently goes through our servers due to CORS restrictions. By installing a trusted browser extension and making a few simple clicks to set it up, you can directly download media from VSCO. This not only speeds up your downloads but also contributes to a faster experience for everyone.

  1. 1. Install the Extension

  2. 2. Configure the Extension

    Hint: Check Extensions Page for configuration

    If you can't find the extension icon, check your browser's dedicated extensions page. On Chrome, visit chrome://extensions/, and for Firefox, go to about:addons. Find the extension and pin it to your toolbar. We sadly can't link directly to the extensions page due to browser restrictions.

  3. 3. Check enhanced downloads working

    You should now be able to download media from without going through our servers. To check that everything is working, please press the button below.

    Hint: Enable extension for private browsing

    To unlock an enhanced downloading experience in private browsing mode, simply grant the extension access to your private tabs. To do so, visit your browser's extension page and click on the extension's settings. There should be a toggle for "Allow in Incognito" or "Run in Private Windows". Enable it and you're good to go!